(19) EU Patent Reform – FOIA application to the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (“BMI”) in November 2019: Agenda and minutes of the meeting on the “European Patent Court Agreement” of BMJV and BMI on 18/01/2013 (Published on 30/08/2021)

Redactions in black originate from the public authority, redactions in grey originate from the site operator and usually concern contact data.

Total volume: 4 pages.

  • Document 1: Bescheid des BMI vom 20.11.2019 [BMI decision of 20/11/2019] (2 p., 162 KB, German language)
  • Document 2: Tagesordnung und Protokoll der Besprechung zum „Europäischen Patentgerichtsübereinkommen“ von BMJV und BMI am 17.12.2012 [Agenda and minutes of the meeting on the “European Patent Court Agreement” of BMJV and BMI on 17/12/2012] (2 p., 1.058 KB, German language)

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